Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Heading out - Day 1

Nothing exciting.  Lots of traffic getting to the airport.  Cool and misty out - probably similar to Alaska.

Flying coast to coast - Boston to Seattle and then up to Anchorage.   Have to look at a map - but it's probably along a great circle - shortest distance on a sphere.

At least the screaming baby wore herself out.  What a set of lungs!     But got lucky, and have an empty middle seat, and inflight WiFi.   Not feeling too isolated yet.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are right on the money with the great circle concept. As you head to the higher latitudes however, the map of choice with shift from a Transverse Mercator Projection to a Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, so be careful up there. Happy travels!
    Mike D. (Like I needed to say who I was, ha ha.)
