Monday, July 22, 2013

Alaska - day 11 last day onboard the Island Princess

A quiet day at sea - but beautiful seas and gorgeous scenery.

Learned quite a bit about the navigation of this incredible ship.  Especially of interest is the use of the two gas engines that are located next to the funnel.   These engines are a lower emission than the regular diesel engines, but much more expensive to run.  However, when in Glacier Bay, they want to reduce the ship's impact on the environment, so they us the Gas Turbines to power the ship.  And they are capable of powering the entire ship

In addition, when the 3rd Officer gave his  Navigation presentation, there was a lot of discussion of spherical geometry!  The great circles were mentioned, especially the importance of the equator for navigation - as it is the only latitude great circle.  

They have three forms of navigation utilized on board:  Terrestial, Celestial, and Electronic.   And they calibrate their position using two of these method at every watch.    More information about the ship this week - once I have a more consistent internet connection. 

And I learned the fundamentals of Salsa dancing.  What fun.

We actually saw our first sunset Tonight- as we move south toward Vancouver, the sun is setting earlier.  Unfortunately, the IPad camera couldn't fully capture the beauty of the moon over the mountain.

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