Friday, July 12, 2013

Alaska Day 3: Mt. McKinley and the Pika Glacier (afternoon)

What an incredible day.   After a 3 hour drive from Anchorage, we arrived at the Mt. McKinley Wilderness Lodge - and immediately jumped on another bus for a 1/2 hr drive to Talkeetna to go on the Glacier Landing Explorer. 
WOW.   We landed on the Pika Glacier after flying around Mt. McKinley.  There glacier was amazing - we even saw some climbers skiing by.    And yes, that is Ms. Fisher taking a photo outside of our plane (a deHaviland Otter that holds 11 people - I got to sit in the co-pilot seat going to the glacier).
An incredibly clear day - no clouds hiding the mountain.
Mt. McKinley was clear and amazing.  It was hot, and barely a cloud in the sky.  These mountains are so big, it makes you feel so very small.  But they are incredibly gorgeous and awe inspiring.  
This is the main glacier, which the Pika feeds into.  and there are multiple glaciers here.  I think this is the Ruth glacier. 

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