Monday, August 5, 2013

Part II - August 4 (Sunday) in Seattle. Day10

Had a relaxing day around Seattle.  Started with a run along the waterfront, then we walked to the Pike Place market.  

Doesn't he look happy?

And it is home of the first Starbucks.   That everyone was waiting in line for!

Lots and lots of people.  Very crowded and a lot of walking.  The fruit looked heavenly - so we got some for a few days.   Of course, the walking around and shopping did not last very long :

There was a nice little park near the market, right on the water.  
Gorgeous day to be sitting by the ocean.

As well as sculptures on the water's edge:

  In the afternoon Doug and Elise Russell picked us up for dinner in Ballard.  Rick and Doug have been friends since high school.

Great meal with Halibut and Scallops.

Right on the water. - it was really nice.  Interestingly, Doug and Elise love living in Seattle, except they feel it is the state that never says no.  Including, now, that pot is legal for anyone over 21.   It is a bit challenging with school-aged children. 

 We thought this sign in the restaurant bar was interesting as well.

Great day in Seattle - really enjoyed being here.  We have another day in Seattle on Monday as well.

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