Thursday, August 15, 2013

Part II - Aug 10 & 11 - visiting in Missouri. (Day 16 & 17)

We left Omaha flying out over the Missouri River, then turning toward Springfield, Missouri.   
Of course I saw a bridge that was interesting.  The Illinois Central Missouri River Bridge  is a rail through double swing bridge completed in 1915.  It was taken out of service in 1980, and left permanently open. 

Did you know Omaha was this big?  Wow

We were very quickly over Iowa - it is just on the other side of the Missouri River from Omaha, Nebraska.   Once again, I am very inpressed with the farmers of our country - they really work hard, and I truly did not realize the extent of farming in our country. 

By the way, this is the West Shenadoah River above, and below is the small town of Shenadoah.  

 From 9,000 ft in the air, it really does look small. 

I was also intrigued by the quantity of Wind farms we kept seeing - did you realize it was this popular ? They really seemed to be every state we flew through. 

And we flew over Kansas City, Mo.  Notice the rail yards here.
These are major rail hubs for both Union Pacific and BNSF.  

Coming closer to Springfield, Missouri, we see farms again.  But most of these are ranches with hay fields.  There are a lot of cows and steers on these farms.

And then we land  - at the Springfield Airport

Spent the night in the 'country' - out on the farm - 160 acres of hayfields and woods.  Beautiful, quiet, and great starry skies at night.  The Pinkstons were great hosts! 

Rick and Pinkston relatives.  What a warm and fun gathering! 

Did I mention this is deer country?

Interestingly, where we were was also the center of the USA - population wise, as of 2010,

Which is actually very close to the town of Plato

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